At the start of the mission you are given a large amount of stored resources. Waves of aerial and amphibious land forces will continually attack as you build up your army, and will gradually increase based on the size of your attack force. The number of factories present is based on the difficulty setting chosen at the beginning of the campaign. If that happens, you'll have to re-destroy those targets. Remember that the enemy will use Engineers to try and rebuild the destroyed factories. In order to complete this objective, all enemy factories (which are marked with a red circle) must be destroyed. Optional Secondary Objective: Secure the Channel Description: Destroy the enemy's submarine patrols operating in the channel.

Once repaired, it will offer maximum protection from enemy fire.

Description: Repair the nearby shield generator. Optional Secondary Objective: Repair the Shield Generator. Optional Secondary Objective: Clear the Artillery Positions Description: Order artillery positions are covering your approach across the channel. YES NO Primary Objective - Destroy Order Bases Description: Move north across the channel and eliminate the designated Order bases. For the purposes of this walkthrough, we'll be playing as UEF. (The faction you choose here will be used throughout the entire Forged Alliance campaign, so make your decision accordingly.) Depending on the faction you select, additional secondary objectives may become available during each operation. At the beginning of Operation 1, you must decide which faction to play as. You must defeat the enemy commanders on Griffin IV and end the siege of Fort Clarke. If Fort Clarke falls, the UEF is finished. The Seraphim and Order forces have discovered this secret UEF base and are attacking with overwhelming force. To avoid syntactical befuddlement, the overall mission is referred to as "Operation" and the stages of map expansion are called "Missions." Operation 1: Black Day Walkthrough Fort Clarke, located on the planet Griffin IV, is the UEF's last stronghold. The process repeats itself until the map has expanded to a gigantic size and hundreds of units are buzzing around onscreen at once.

When the initial objectives are completed, the map area expands and you're given new tasks. Like in Supreme Commander, Forged Alliance's missions start off with a small section of the overall map. If you don't care about spoilers and would like to read up on how mission structure has changed (or hasn't), feel free to continue. What follows is a full walkthrough of the campaign's first single-player mission. If you care at all about the story developments in the soon to release Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance, you should probably close your browser window right now. Note to readers, this story contains massive spoilers.